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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-09-07 13:30:20    


1. 我的情绪就像过山车,一会儿在山顶,一会儿在谷底,而你却总是在玩手机。My emotions are like a roller coaster, sometimes at the top, sometimes at the bottom, while you are always playing with your phone.

2. 你总是说忙,忙到没时间陪我,我看你是忙着和别人聊天吧。You always say you are busy, too busy to spend time with me. I think you are busy chatting with others.

3. 我不要求你给我买什么贵重的礼物,只希望你能多陪陪我,哪怕只是一起吃顿饭。I don't ask you to buy me any expensive gifts, I just hope you can spend more time with me, even if it's just having a meal together.

4. 你不懂我为什么突然生气,也不懂我为什么突然沉默,你只知道玩你的游戏。You don't understand why I suddenly get angry, or why I suddenly become silent, you only know to play your game.

5. 我努力让自己变得更好,只是为了能配得上你,可你却总是视而不见。I try my best to make myself better, just to be worthy of you, but you always turn a blind eye.

6. 我不需要你的甜言蜜语,只希望你能在我需要你的时候出现。I don't need your sweet words, I just hope you can appear when I need you.

7. 你总是说我想太多,可你却从来没有想过我的感受。You always say I think too much, but you never think about my feelings.

8. 我可以为你付出一切,可你却总是让我失望。I can give everything for you, but you always disappoint me.


希望你永远快乐 任何选择之后都很洒脱

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